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Admission Policy


Admission Policy

Statement of Intent


It is our intention to make our Pre-School accessible to children and families from all sections of the local community.




We aim to ensure that all sections of our community have access to the Pre-School through open, fair and clearly communicated procedures.


In order to achieve this aim, we operate the following:


· We ensure that the existence of the Pre-School is widely advertised in places accessible to all sections of the community.  Information can be found on the internet, the Surrey Family Information Service and local free newspapers and magazines.


· We ensure that information about our Pre-School is accessible - in written or spoken communication and we will do our best to support families with their applications where English is an Additional Language or they may need additional support because of a disability.


We arrange our waiting list in order of application and age of children, however in addition to this we take into account the following:

  • siblings already attending the Pre-School,

  • exceptional circumstances such as a Children’s Services referral or a FEET (Free Early Years Entitlement) placement,

  • whether a child is attending another setting or child-care provider


· The Pre-School is open to applications from any family in the community.


· We welcome children regardless of their gender, special educational needs, disabilities, background, religion or ethnicity.


· Children may start at the setting from the age 2 years, dependent upon the availability of space, and readiness of the individual child to stay happily within the group. A child can remain with us until the term before his or her 5th birthday.


· Children usually attend between 2 and 5 sessions per week, (sessions are 2 ½ hrs). We recommend that younger children aged 2-3yrs should start with 2 sessions per week, usually afternoons, but may increase this to 4 if places are available.


· As far as possible the Pre-School will inform of the availability of a child’s place by the half-term before the child is due to start.


· Parents/carers are encouraged to visit with their child shortly before admission is due, and should be prepared to stay with their child during these ‘settling in’ sessions. We operate a flexible admissions procedure subject to the individual needs of the child and where appropriate and with agreement from the supervisor a child may attend for brief periods at first; gradually building up to a full session.


· We will inform parents if they are eligible for funding, e.g. FEET Free Early Years Entitlement for Two Year Olds (see resources section for further information) and Government funded places are available for children who are already 3 and 4 years old, (available the term after the child is 3yrs).


· If a child is to leave our setting or to reduce the number of sessions attended, parents must give at least four weeks' term time notice of the leaving date in writing. Fees will be payable (or grant claimed by us), until that date.

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