Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs
Our Pre-School works alongside the Government’s Code of Practice on the identification and assessment of Special Educational Needs and related legislation, to provide a welcoming learning environment for all children.
What we are able to provide...
Appointed Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO)
Experience of working with children with additional needs - learning disability, autistic spectrum, speech and language.
One-to-one support where beneficial
Specialist Toys
Wheelchair access to all Pre-School facilities
Accessible toilet
Caring for our children
Children with additional needs, like all other children, are admitted to the Pre-School after consultation between parents, the Pre-School supervisor, Key Person and any other professional people who may be involved in the child’s welfare and education. We have an appointed member of staff to be the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO), but we ensure that the provision for children with Additional Needs is the responsibility of all members of staff.
Our system of assessment, planning, provision and review, enables us to monitor children’s needs and progress on an individual basis and our Key Person system ensures that each adult is specially responsible for, and close to, a small number of children, so each child receives plenty of adult time and attention.
Where it is felt that a child’s needs can best be met in Pre-School with the support of a one-to-one worker, funding will be sought to employ the extra help. We work closely with parents and in liaison with other professionals to create and maintain a positive partnership, and for transfer arrangements to other settings and schools.
Our staff attend whenever possible any training opportunities offered by Early Years and other professional bodies which increase awareness and knowledge on special needs. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum for children with Additional Needs and where necessary make changes to meet individual needs and abilities.