Starting School

Getting Ready for School
Starting school can be really exciting but also daunting for our children (and parents!). To help make the transition as easy as possible we have a range of activities prepared to help our children move across as smoothly as possible into their new schools, this includes:

Chatting with the children about going to a new school and what it will be like

Inviting the children's new school teachers into Pre-School to meet the children who will be joining them in September

Giving the children an opportunity to try on a school uniform in the colour of their new school

Encouraging a love of learning and increased independence in practical skills e.g. going to the toilet and washing hands, putting on coats

Holding a leavers service to celebrate the time the children have had in Pre-School before they start a new chapter in their lives.
We have also put a selection of parent resources together to help you prepare your child for school: